Carmen opens the 2009 opera season in Buenos Aires

6:22 PM Sandra Gutrejde 0 Comments

Fundamus (Fundacion para la Musica) opens the opera season in Buenos Aires presenting Bizet's "Carmen" at Teatro Avenida.
According to the organizers, the Opera will be staged with an austere scenography, period costumes, and projection of images that will take a prevailing role.
The cast is made of some of the best voices in the local scene:

María Luján Mirabelli
Alicia Cecotti
Carlos Duarte
Juan Carlos Vasallo
Claudia Montagna
Andrea Maragno
Luciano Garay
Nuevo Coro de Opera
Nuevo Coro de Niños

Video design: Edgardo Beck
Stage design and wardrobe: Mariela Daga
Children's Choir Direction: Rosana Bravo
Nuevo Coro de Opera Direction: Ezequiel Fautario

Staging: Eduardo Casullo
Musical Direction: Roberto Luvini

Location: Teatro Avenida - Av. de Mayo 1222 – Tel. 4381-0662
Dates and times:
February 20 - 8 PM
February 22 - 6.30 PM
February 27 - 8 PM
March 6 - 8 PM
March 7 - 8 PM
March 8 - 6.30 PM
Tickets on sale at the theater

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