Rice Performance by Stan’s Cafe arrives in Buenos Aires

3:25 PM Sandra Gutrejde 0 Comments

On Thursday 7th July 2011, the provocative theater company Stan’s Cafe will be arriving at Palais de Glace in Buenos Aires with 10 tons of rice to present "Of All The People In All The World" for the first time in Latin America. Over the course of ten days three members of the company, dressed in smart caretaker uniforms, will carefully measure out the rice into labelled piles, representing over two hundred provocative statistics.

Of All The People In All The World uses grains of rice to bring abstract statistics to life. Each grain of rice = one person, and you are invited to compare the one grain that is you to the millions that are not. Over a period of days a team of performers carefully weigh out quantities of rice to represent a host of human statistics

- the populations of towns and cities
- the number of doctors, the number of soldiers
- the number of people born each day, the number who die
- all the people who have walked on the moon
- deaths in the holocaust

The statistics are arranged in labelled piles creating an ever changing landscape of rice. The show adapts to its setting: the country, city and building it is in. The exhibition isn’t like a museum or an art gallery, it changes over time and responds to its audience.

The amount of rice used varies according to which version is performed, Of All The People In All The World: UK is a standard small version using 1,000Kg of rice to represent 60,000,000 people. Of All The People In All The World: Europe at 12,000Kg is an example of a medium size version. So far there has been a single presentation of Of All The People In All The World in which the whole world's population was represented by 104 tons of rice in Stuttgart.

The promoter of the show in Buenos Aires, Arroz Gallo, will donate the same amount of rice that will be used for the exhibition (equivalent to 100,000 portions of rice) to the foundation Banco de Alimentos, that will distribute them among 489 charities, including foster homes, schools, and other community centers.

Stan’s Cafe is a theatre company based in Birmingham whose witty and provocative work has been cropping up in unusual settings since 1991.

Location: Palais de Glace: Posadas 1725, Recoleta
Dates: July 7th - 17th, 2011
Opening times:

Tuesday to Friday, 12pm to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 8pm
Free entrance

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