4th Buenos Aires International Circus Festival

3:31 PM Sandra Gutrejde 0 Comments

The 4th Buenos Aires International Circus Festival, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, with the collaboration of  Institute Francais and the French Embassy in Argentina, will take place between May 3 and May 14, 2012

The Festival will offer the public unique experiences, outstanding artistic performances, and fun national and international shows, including 18 shows and 51 performances by Circus companies from France,  Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Brazil and Chile, focusing on contemporary circus.

The exhibition "Monstration - La Motte", by Cirque Ici, will be open from April 27th, every day during the Festival, from 12pm, at Centro Municipal de Exposiciones, with free entrance.

Every day at Polo Circo, one hour before the first show, there will be free shows at the Reception Tent, and a large format open air international show by Compañía de Paso.

Several big tops will be put up at "Buenos Aires Polo Circo", Combate de los Pozos 1700, in the neighborhood of Parque Patricios, and there will be activities in six other venues: 
Espacio Cultural Julián Centeya: Av. San Juan   3255
Centro Cultural Carlos Gardel: Olleros 3640
Centro Cultural Adán Buenos Aires: Av. Asamblea 1200/ Av. Eva Perón 1400
Centro Cultural General San Martín: Sarmiento 1551
Centro Municipal de Exposiciones: Couture 2231 (Av. Figueroa Alcorta & Pueyrredon)
Complejo Cultural Teatro 25 de Mayo: Av. Triunvirato 4444

The shows by Argentine companies are free of charge. Free tickets must be picked up at Casa de la Cultura, Av. de Mayo 575, 11am to 7pm. Maximum of 4 tickets per show, 2 shows per person.

Ticket sales for International shows (children under 3, free): advanced tickets can be purchased up to one day before the selected  performance, from 11am to 7pm, at the following points of sale:

Centro Cultural General San Martin: Sarmiento 1554, Centro.
Buenos Aires Polo Circo: Av Juan de Garay and Combate de Los Pozos, Parque Patricios
Complejo Cultutal Teatro 25 de Mayo, Av. Triunvirato 4444 (Villa Urquiza) 
Casa de la Cultura: Avenida de Mayo 575 - PB, Centro

On Internet through www.tuentrada.com

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