South American concert series Rumbos - Musicas del Sur

3:28 PM Sandra Gutrejde 0 Comments

The Festival Rumbos - Musicas del Sur, a series of free concerts that feature innovative and recognized artists from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay will take place during July, as part of the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of Centro Cultural General San Martín.

Rumbos - Musicas del Sur is a joint undertaking of Itaú Cultural and Centro Cultural General San Martín, that will take the stage from July 1st to July 13th, 2010 at Teatro 25 de Mayo, Av. Triunvirato 4444, to show the musical diversity in the southern hemisphere.

The artistic selection presents emerging artists and authentic references of the new popular music scene in the region, such as: the great interpreter Liliana Herrero, one of the referents of Argentina folklore; the renowned pianist and composer Carlos Aguirre; Veronica Condomí; the duo Juan Quintero-Luna Monti, one of the great musical revelations of recent years; Manuel Onis; Pablo Dacal; Los Nuñez with Ruiz Guinazu; and rising duo Orozco-Barrientos with the production for their latest albums by Gustavo Santaolalla, all from Argentina.

From Brazil: Rubi, Alessandra Leão, Luiz Felipe Gama & Ana Luiza and Alessandro Penezzi, are noted for combining avant-gard and tradition in Brazilian popular music. And from Uruguay, singer Martín Buscaglia, star of the new Uruguayan song.

As invited artists to this first edition of Rumbos - Musicas del Sur: the concerts by singer Noelia Moncada, in the series "Tangos of the Bicentenary", and the world premiere of "Surdomundo Impossible Orchestra" consisting of a real selection of great musicians from the three countries in the project: Osvaldo Fattorusso, Martin Buscaglia, Martin Sued, Ignacio Varchausky, Mauricio Pereira, Caito Marcondes and Arthur de Faria. In the final concert, Mauricio Pereira will be presented together with pianist Daniel Szafran, and closing the Festival, the exquisite singer Na Ozzetti, considered one of the greatest singers of Brazil.


Thursday 1, 9 pm
Rubi (Brazil)
Liliana Herrero

Friday 2, 9 pm
Rubi (Brazil)
Verónica Condomí

Saturday 3, 9 pm
Alessandra Leão (Brazil)
Manuel Onis

Sunday 4, 8 pm
Alessandra Leão (Brazil)
Pablo Dacal

Tuesday 6, 9 pm
Luiz Felipe Gama & Ana Luiza (Brazil)
Carlos “Negro” Aguirre

Wednesday 7, 9 pm
Luiz Felipe Gama & Ana Luiza (Brazil)
Noelia Moncada

Thursday 8, 9 pm
Alessandro Penezzi (Brazil)
Luna Monti – Juan Quintero

Saturday 10, 9 pm
Alessandro Penezzi (Brazil)
Los Nuñez with Ruiz Guiñazú

Sunday 11, 8 pm
Surdomundo Imposible Orchestra (Argentina-Brazil-Uruguay)

Tuesday 13, 9 pm
Mauricio Pereira (Brazil) + Na Ozzetti (Brazil)

All the concerts are free of charge. The tickets (two per person) must be picked up two hours before every concert at the ticket office of Teatro 25 de Mayo, Av Triunvirato 4444.

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