Summer 2013: Free cultural activities in Buenos Aires

8:10 PM Sandra Gutrejde 0 Comments

The government of the City of Buenos Aires presents a program of cultural activities that starts next Saturday, January 12th, 2013, and will last until Sunday, February 24th, consisting on over 100 free events, including: musical shows, drive-in movies, theater plays, activities for children, circus, performances open air "milongas", and numerous musical events, every day during January and February 2013.

There are many options for kids: on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 pm, open air movie projections at the Amphitheater of Parque Centenario, with animation movies from independent directors; circus shows at Polo Circo; and special activities on Saturdays and Sundays at Feria de Mataderos.

The drive-in movie theater for adults will be set up at the Rose Garden, on Av Libertador & Sarmiento, every Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 PM. There will also be stalls for spectators without a car. The first showing will be the Argentine movie "La Suerte en tus manos", directed by Daniel Burman, on Saturday 12th, followed by “Infancia Clandestina”, “The Avengers”, “Querida voy a comprar cigarrillos y vuelvo”, “REC3”, “Masterplan”, “El último Elvis” and “Elefante Blanco”.

On weekends, open air milongas at Usina del Arte, Pedro de Mendoza 501 (La Boca), on Saturdays and Sundays, starting at 5:30pm, from January 26th to February 3rd, with artists like Alberto Podestá, Maria Graña, Orquesta de Horacio Salgán, among others, and tango lessons and exhibitions.

Ballet shows will be presented at the Amphitheater of Parque Centenario (Av. Angel Gallardo & Leopoldo Marechal): January 22, 23 y 24: Condición aérea. And February 21 and 22: Las 8 estaciones - Ballet of Teatro General San Martín

At the stage of Costanera Sur (Puerto Madero) Folklore shows with Chango Spasiuk, Luis Salinas, and Los Nocheros, on February 1, 2, and 3, at 8:30pm.

And two big open air shows at the Obelisco, Av. 9 de Julio & Corrientes:
January 19, 8:00 pm: Argentinian popular singer Palito Ortega presents “Por los caminos del rey”
January 20, 8:00 pm: The great tango dancer Mora Godoy presents: “Amor Tango”

All the activities are free of charge.

To see complete schedule of activities visit Verano en la Ciudad website (in Spanish only).

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