Candombe in the streets of Buenos Aires: Llamada de Candombe de San Telmo 2013
On Saturday, December 7th, 2013, in the streets of San Telmo 15 carnival groups ("comparsas") with over 1,000 Argentinian and Uruguayan artists in their colorful costumes, will present the "Llamada de Candombe de San Telmo", a parade of drums, music and dance, between 4 PM and 10 PM,.
The "llamada" is a traditional Uruguayan event in which the "comparsas" are called in to play the "candombe", a musical genre originated in Africa and brought to South America in the XVII and XVIII centuries by the African slaves. Each "comparsa" is identified by its own rhythm.
The same as with Tango, the Candombe has been declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by Unesco in 2009, with its National Day celebrated on December 3rd in Uruguay.
At Pasaje San Lorenzo & Defensa 4 bonfires will be set for the tuning of the drums, that will start at 3.30 PM before the parades.
The parade starts at Defensa & av. Independencia, and each of the 15 "comparsas" will take 1 hour to cover the 8 blocks until Defensa & Caseros, at the Amphitheater of Paque Lezama.
This event is totally free of charge.
May be suspended in case of rain.