Viñetas Sueltas 2009 - 2nd International Comics Festival in Buenos Aires
The Festival "Viñetas Sueltas", the first of its kind in the South American and European comic world, will take place for the second year in Buenos Aires. Throughout the festival, authors, editors and the general public will share a space to exchange experiences from all the latitudes about the "ninth art".
"Viñetas Sueltas" will open on Monday, May 25, 2009, with a street intervention, when 16 authors will draw 16 billboards in downtown Buenos Aires (microcenter), in the open view of people passing by.
The festival will feature exhibitions by national and international authors, coming from France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Colombia. There will also be workshops for professionals and the general public, talks and artistic activities for adults and children.
Guest artists are: Carlos Trillo, Etienne Davodeau, Xavier Lowenthal, Leif Tande, Andrea Bruno, Paolo Parisi, Ibn al rabin, Alex Baladi, Mauro Entrialgo, Fabio Zimbres, Alvaro Velez, Frank Arbelo, Rodolfo Santullo, Matias Bergara, Gabriel Ciccariello, Max Aguirre, Liliana Cupido, Edo Chieregato, Thomas Luis Cote, among others.
"Viñetas Sueltas" is organized by the Embassy of Canada, CCEBA- AECID, the Embassy of France and the Alliance Francaise, the Embassy of Switzerland, the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Malba, and Centro Cultural Recoleta, with the support of the Embassy of Belgium, and Wallonie Bruxelles International, the city of Geneva, and SEACEX, Spain.
Dates: May 25th to May 31st, 2009
Alianza Francesa: Av. Cordoba 946
Centro Cultural Recoleta: Junin 1930
Malba: Av. Figueroa Alcorta 3415