La Patrouille de France in the sky of Buenos Aires

3:19 PM Sandra Gutrejde 0 Comments

The Patrouille de France, the French Air Force acrobatic squad, also known as ‘The Cavaliers of The Sky" and considered as one of the greatest aerobatic teams in the world, will arrive in Argentina for the first time to fly over the cities of Buenos Aires and Cordoba.
The French pilots will fly over Buenos Aires on Tuesday, September 13th, 2009. Eight aircrafts will depart from Aeroparque Jorge Newbery, flying over Tigre and the Costanera. They will then turn over Avenida de Mayo, flying over Casa Rosada and ending at Av. 9 de Julio at 1 pm, after passing over the French Embassy, drawing the French and Argentinian flags.
The French Alphajet planes will be accompanied by 3 Pampa aircrafts from the Argentinian Air Force.
The Patrouille de France will also visit the city of Cordoba on September 17.
According to the French Embassy, the visit of the acrobatic patrol is the result of the good relations existent between the two countries, and will be an occasion for France to contribute to the celebrations of the bicentenary of May Revolution.

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