Ciudanza - 4th Festival of Dance in Urban Landscapes

5:51 PM Sandra Gutrejde 0 Comments

On March 10, 11, 12, and 13, 2011, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, visitors and locals are invited to enjoy the dance festival "Ciudanza".
Ciudanza is part of an innovative program, “Ciudades que danzan” (Dancing Cities), an international network of festivals with a program of contemporary dance shows in urban landscapes, existing in South America and Europe, in cities like Barcelona, Lisbon, Bologna, London and La Habana, among others.
"Ciudades que danzan" is the union of architecture, contemporary dance, and the public, opening a new vision of the artistic and cultural heritage of the city. Through the language of dance, people passing by learn to look at a place, a street, a corner in a different way, rediscovering it.
For this edition of the festival in Buenos Aires the spaces where the performances will take place are Plaza Miserere, Plaza San Martin de Tours and the square surrounding the monument to Carlos de Alvear, and Parque de la Memoria. 15 dance companies will participate in this event, presenting 17 different performances, giving a new value to public space through cultural activities.


Plaza San Martin de Tours
Eduardo Schiaffino and Posadas, Recoleta
Thursday 10 and Friday 11, 8:00 pm

Parque de la Memoria
Av. Costanera Norte Rafael Obligado (near Ciudad Universitaria)
Saturday 12, Sunday 13, 3:00 pm

Plaza Miserere
Av. Rivadavia 2800, Balvanera.
Saturday 12, Sunday 13, 6:00 pm

All activities are free of charge.

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