Independence Day celebration on Avenida de Mayo
On Tuesday, July 9th, 2013, a parade will be held along Avenida de Mayo to celebrate Argentina´s Independence Day, and the 119th anniversary of Avenida de Mayo. The parade is organized by the Association of Friends of Avenida de Mayo.
The ceremony is programmed to start at 10.30 am, with the hoisting of the Flag and the intonation of the National Anthem, followed by the civic-military parade, with the participation of the band of Regimiento de Patricios, followed by 200 members of "Caminata de las Quenas", a group from the province of Jujuy, along with the representatives of different provinces that will display their typical costumes, music and dance.
The parade will conclude with the participation of 200 professors from the Instituto de Danzas Argentinas Folklóricicas (Folk Dance Institute), who will dance de "Pericón Nacional" (national traditional folk dance) along two blocks of the Avenue.
Visitors will also have the chance to see an exhibition of antique vehicles: over 200 buses, cars and motorcycles along Avenida de Mayo, from Lima to Plaza Lorea. The buses will represent the different types of public transportation in the city from 1940 to present, and the public will be allowed to get on and take pictures.
The events start at Plaza Lorea, Avenida de Mayo & Luis Saénz Peña at 10:30am and will last until 6pm.