Summer 2016: Program of Free cultural activities in Buenos Aires

7:08 PM Sandra Gutrejde 2 Comments

The government of the City of Buenos Aires presents a summer program of cultural activities that starts next Friday, January 15th, 2016, consisting of a number of free events, including: musical shows, drive-in movies, activities for children, and numerous musical events, every day until February 28th, 2016.

As every year, a drive-in movie theater will be set up at the Rose Garden, on Av Libertador & Sarmiento, with projections every Friday, Saturday and Sunday of January 2016, at 9:00 PM. There will also be stalls and chairs for spectators without a car. 

Friday 15: El Clan (Argentina)
Saturday 16: Cinderella 
Friday 22: Ant Man
Saturday 23: Mission Impossible: Secret Nation
Friday 29: La Patota (Argentina)
Satueday 30: Avengers

Movies for kids (also at 9 PM):
Sunday 17: The Minions
Sunday 24: Shaun the Sheep
Sunday 31: Inside Out

During the month of February 2016, a series of activities will take place at Plaza del Vaticano, on Cerrito and Viamonte, next to Teatro Colon.

Argentine Movie Series, at 8 PM:
February 1: La Calle de los Pianistas
Tuesday 2: Merello x Carreras
Wednesday 3: La Princesa de Francia
Monday 8: La Mujer de los Perros
Tuesday 9: Poner al Rock de Moda
Wednesday 10: El Acto en Cuestión

Live Music Shows: 
Monday 15, 8 PM: Daniel Melero, Ayelén Secches y Luciana Tagliapietra
Monday 22, 7 PM: Marcela Morelo
Thursday 25, 8 PM: Raul Barboza
Sunday 28, 7 PM: Closing of the Festival with Javier Malosetti & Gillespie (Jazz)

The program at Plaza del Vaticano also includes the performances from the Teatro Colon´s Summer Festival.

All the activities are free of charge, on a first-come first-served basis, limited to the capacity of each venue.

For more information Visit Verano en la Ciudad website (in Spanish only).

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  1. I would love to be there for it all ! LOL at shaun the sheep .. my son loved that movie :)

    1. Ha ha! Nice tip! I´ll probably watch it then!
      Un beso!
