May Revolution Celebrations

12:36 PM Sandra Gutrejde 0 Comments

Argentina Polo Field

Commemorating the 207th anniversary of the May Revolution, Military parade with the participation of 6000 officers and 1000 musicians pertaining to the marching bands from Argentina and invited countries will be held on Saturday, May 27th, 2017, along Avenida de Libertador between Salguero and Av. Dorrego, finalizing with an exhibition at the Palermo Polo Field.

The start of the parade, at 11 am, will be accompanied by airplanes from the Air Forces and the Argentine Army that will perform an aerial parade. Starting from Av. Del Libertador & Salguero the troops will march towards the Argentine Polo Field, on Av. del Libertador & Dorrego, where at 2.30 pm the public will assist to the performances by the militarily bands, with free entrance, but with limited capacity.

The invited military bands from Uruguay, Chile, United States, and Morocco, will present a repertoire representative of the music of their respective countries.

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