Gastronomic Festival of the Foreign Communities - March 2019

A giant Food Court representing more than 40 different foreign communities living in Buenos Aires will be set up on Avenida de Mayo & Bolivar next Saturday, March 16th of 2019, from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
The typical dishes of every region will be offered in more than 70 food stands along Avenida de Mayo, as well as crafts and traditional products from every represented country. Different traditional groups will offer their performances along the avenue and on the main stage through the afternoon.
This year more than 30 cooks will present their typical dishes to participate in the third edition of the "Foreign Communities Cooking Challenge", a contest that will consist of three stages and a final round, where a jury made up of renowned chefs will select the winning chef.
After the winner is announced the event will be closed with a music show by Emmanuel Horvilleur.
After the winner is announced the event will be closed with a music show by Emmanuel Horvilleur.
In case of rain the event will be held on April 6th.
Free entrance