Hi Matsuri, the Fire Festival at the Japanese Garden
On Sunday, August 21, 2016, the Japanese Garden of Buenos Aires (Av. Figueroa Alcorta and Casares, Palermo) presents the festival "Hi Matsuri - The Fire Ceremony", one of the most important festivals of the year.
Upon entrance, the public will receive small wooden boards where they can write about those bad feelings or experiences they want to leave behind. Through the ceremony of burning the boards, the energy of the fire will make all the negative experiences turn into positive energy to continue on the chosen path, to face new projects o continue those that are already underway.
The Festival of Fire will be accompanied by traditional dances and songs, Karate Do exhibitions, and a show of Japanese Drums by the group Mukaito Taiko
Program of Activities:
3 pm: Karate Demonstration by Dojos Ken Institute
4 pm: Taiko Show (Japanese Drums) by Matsuri Daiko
5 pm: Hi Matsuri. Closing of the Festival, with burning of boards and Taiko
Entry fee: AR$70
Children under 12: Free
Seniors over 65: Free (presenting ID)