Semana de los Bodegones 2018

1:54 PM Sandra Gutrejde 0 Comments

Celebrating it's 90th anniversary, Bodegas Bianchi presents the new edition of "Semana de los Bodegones", a week dedicated to honor the gastronomic traditions in Argentina, which takes place between August 18th and August 26th, 2018 in the cities of Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Cordoba, Rosario and Mendoza.

"Bodegones" are simple, family owned restaurants, that serve huge portions of popular Argentine food, usually adapted from traditional Italian and Spanish dishes.

Each restaurant will offer a fixed menu with a set price of $ 380 pesos per person, including service charge and a bottle of the classic Valentin Lacrado wine in its Vintage Limited edition (750 ml bottle for 2 people or 350 ml bottle for one single person).

Click here for the complete list of participating establishments, menus and reservations.

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